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Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs


Guinea pigs are extremely cute rodents. They like to eat romaine lettuce, timothy hay, grapes, seeds and pellets. Their bodies cannot make vitamin C, so you need to give them foods that contain vitamin C.
Lily, in the picture below, does not like citrus fruits, so we have to sneak and give her her vitamin C through grapes, which she loves. Guinea Pigs also do not make their own B vitamins and so their bodies produce pellets that look much like their poo, called Ceacotrophs that contain vitamins in it so the Guinea Pig can break down what they eat even further and use the vitamins. 

Guinea Pigs eat these Ceacotrophs often, and you may see them do it. Don't panic, it's natural and normal. If they didn't eat them they would suffer nutritionally.

They need a water bottle. They need toys to play and chew on, because their teeth are constantly growing. 











Dash-Skarloey & Mavis

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