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Syrian Hamsters

Syrian Hamsters are sweet, lovable hamsters originating in Syria. They are larger than Dwarf Hamsters, and live anywhere between 18 months-3 years, but some have lived longer.
Syrian Hamsters are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are awake at night and sleep most of the day. Their big eyes look like they would have good eyesight, but they really have poor vision and use their sense of smell and whiskers to help them navigate. 

Hamsters can carry half their body weight in their cheek pouches!

There are many different types of Syrian Hamsters. Some of the different types we have owned are:

  • Honey Bear 

  • Teddy Bear

  • Black Bear

Other types are the famous Golden and Panda Bear Hamsters.

There are also other color types* of Syrians, such as:

  • Rex
  • Satin
  • Umbrous
  • Sable
  • Lilac
  • Cinnamon
  • Light Gray
  • Tortoise Shell
  • Tri-Color
  • Dove
  • Tortoise Shell Dove
  • Tri-Color Dove


Honey Bear Hamster

The Honey Bear Hamster has a light cream colored coat that darkens as the hamsters ages, with gray silky ears and dark brown to black eyes. They typically live 18 months and are really fun hamsters to have. My favorite type. These hamsters are very active and love to run on their exercise wheel and roll around the house in their exercise ball.

Teddy Bear Hamster

The Teddy Bear Hamster can come in different colors such as brown and white, gray and white, and tan and white, and can be long haired or short haired, with grayish brown ears, and dark eyes. They usually live between 1-3 years, and are usually docile. They do love an exercise wheel, but usually aren't as active in an exercise ball but do enjoy them.

Black Bear Hamster

The Black Bear Hamster is a black hamster with some white patches on their bodies, usually on their faces, chins and their feet, with black ears and black eyes. They live between 1-2 years and are pretty active and friendly. To me they are a good mix between the Honey Bear and Teddy Bear as far as their temperament. They do like an exercise wheel and exercise ball.

Dash-Skarloey & Mavis

*Cited from various websites. 

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